Spring Club 2025
Spring Club is designed to offer players a chance to continue their training from the winter to the start of their summer season. It is a five week program that families and athletes love as it gives them an opportunity to play with new players and many of their friends from the winter.
Tryouts will take place December 28th at the Nevers Larkin Facility. Times by age will be
9-10u: 9-10:30
11-12u: 10:45-12:15
13-14u: 12:30-2:00
Makeup tryouts
If you are unable to make the scheduled tryout date we will have a makeup tryout for players of all ages. That tryout time will be January 5th from 12-1pm.
If the scheduled time or the makeup time do not work for your child select "other time" on your registration and contact us at petermacfarlanenlb@gmail.com
Ages and Cost
We will have tryouts for teams from 9-14u
Cost for all ages is $450
Tournament: April 26-27 Des Moines Iowa
Practices: March 24th-April 24th on Mondays-Thursday 5-8pm
Tournament: Des Moines Area
Practices: At NLB 7104 Ohms Ln N, Edina 55439
Included with the tryout fee
-NLB Tryout Shirt
Included for those placed on a team
-Ten team practices at NLB
-NLB coach
Additions This Year
-We have added an additional week of practice to the schedule to allow a little more time for players to work with their coaches and develop.
-All players trying out will receive an NLB hat and shirt
-Pushed the tournament weekend to a later date to allow for even warmer weather
Spring Club 2025
Please click here to register your child for Spring Club tryouts